Pupil Voice

At Sarum Hall School we wholeheartedly promote pupil voice. We ensure a whole-school commitment to listening to the views of all children, whilst encouraging them to grow as confident individuals and effective contributors to society.

We recognise the profound importance of pupil voice in creating an inclusive and dynamic educational environment. By actively listening to our pupils through school councils, suggestion boxes, pupil roles and responsibilities, and surveys, we empower them to take an active role in their learning and school community. This collaborative approach fosters a sense of ownership, responsibility, and engagement, ensuring that our practices reflect the diverse needs of our pupils.

School Council

We believe that the School Council empowers pupils to speak their mind and share their opinions, develop crucial life skills in communication and democracy, as well as improving the overall school community. The School Council plays a large role in life at Sarum Hall School. There are representatives elected from each form from Year 1 to 6 and represent the views of their class in regular meetings. Class elections are held at the start of each academic year.

The elected School Council members attend twice termly meetings with the Deputy Head. School Council representatives are encouraged to engage with their peers in order that they put forward the views of the majority. We actively promote democracy so that every pupil’s voice is heard and this is achieved through quick, pupil-led class meetings.



Our Eco-Team is dedicated to promoting sustainability and environmental awareness within our school community. This passionate group of pupils works tirelessly to implement eco-friendly initiatives, reduce waste, and conserve energy. They organise events engaging their peers in hands-on learning experiences. The Eco-Team collaborates with teachers and local schools to develop and execute projects that make a positive impact on our environment. By leading by example, they inspire the entire school to adopt greener practices and contribute to a healthier, more sustainable future for all.

We are proud to be part of the Eco Schools Award Scheme and, in recognition of our endeavours to become more eco-friendly, we hold an Eco Schools Green Flag Award.

We are fortunate to have a wonderful treehouse, slide, climbing structures and our iconic beach huts, which house a wealth of activities for break and lunch times. We place a strong emphasis on eco projects and have our own garden, quiet space, pond and willow arch. The girls use these spaces during their curriculum lessons as well as free time.

Digital Leaders

Digital Leaders are pupils who take on the role of promoting and advocating for online safety within school. They receive training through the Childnet program, created by the charity dedicated to making the internet a safer environment for children and young people. These leaders:

  • Educate Peers: They deliver assemblies and activities to educate their peers about staying safe online, covering topics like cyberbullying, privacy, and digital footprints.
  • Raise Awareness: They work to raise awareness about online safety issues within the school and the broader community, helping to create a culture of responsible internet use.
  • Support and Advise: They provide support and advice to fellow pupils who may be experiencing online issues or have questions about safe internet practices.
  • Collaborate: They collaborate with teachers and parents to develop online safety practices.
  • Lead by Example: They act as positive role models for responsible and respectful online behaviour, encouraging others to follow their lead.


Swaffield School - Digital Leaders


Head and Junior Librarians assist in managing the School Library. Their duties include shelving books, organising shelves and overseeing the Library during break times when groups in other years visit. These Librarians receive training on all aspects of the Library, using the Libresoft computer system and understanding the Dewey system used for arranging the non-fiction library. Whilst the Junior Librarians change each term, the Head Librarians are appointed for the year.


Pupils in Year 6 will be expected to take on the role of monitor for a term during the year. Each pupil will be assigned to a member of school staff and under take duties during lunchtime or break time. Undertaking this role will help prepare the pupils for their move to senior school and future roles like Prefects.

House and Games Captains

A House Captain from Year 6 is selected as representatives for each House. Their role is to help facilitate the running of house based events. They will also be expected to uphold the school rules and values as well as being model pupils, showing their very best to the rest of the school. Games Captains from Year 6 are also selected and act as a sports crew during break and lunchtimes. They help the Sports Department with sporting events.


Our Prefects are significant role models and therefore are expected to demonstrate the values of the School in their daily lives, as well as encouraging them in others. Our Year 6 pupils have shown they are clearly taking their roles seriously and have developed supportive and encouraging relationships with the younger pupils. The role of Prefect brings out the pupils’ leadership qualities for higher responsibilities in the future. Prefects are appointed termly.

Arts Ambassadors

An Art Ambassador’s job is to raise the profile of The Arts within school and give our pupils a voice regarding their Arts provision. They will help out at any arts related events taking place and meet up regularly to carry out arts related discussions and projects. They meet once a week in the Art Studio with Ms Johnstone to assist the department with project, competition and assembly planning. They also co-ordinate and oversee the sketchbook drop-in sessions and discuss any issues that have been raised by pupils.

“Why did we choose Sarum Hall? Its reputation and our observations on the school’s value system and pastoral care, and how they raise the girls in addition to educating them. Also their commitment to music, the arts and extra-curricular activities.”

Sarum Hall School parent

“I think she is being extremely well taught in a very nurturing environment.”


Sarum Hall parent

“My daughter is happy and enjoys her school experience immensely. She often surprises us with the breadth of her knowledge.”

Sarum Hall parent