Term Dates

Summer 2024

Term Starts: Tuesday 16th April

Bank Holiday: Monday 6th May

Half Term: Friday 24th May to Friday 31st May (inclusive)

Term Ends: Thursday 4th July (normal dismissal time)


Academic Year 2024-2025

Autumn 2024

Term Starts: Thursday 5th September
Half Term: Thursday 24th October to Friday 1st November (inclusive)
Term Ends: Thursday 12th December (noon)


Spring 2025

Term Starts: Tuesday 7th January
Half Term: Friday 14th February to Friday 21st February (inclusive)
Term Ends: Friday 28th March (normal dismissal time)


Summer 2025

Term Starts: Wednesday 23rd April
Bank Holiday: Monday 5th May
Half Term: Friday 23rd May to Friday 30th May (inclusive)
Term Ends: Wednesday 9th July (normal dismissal time)


“Why did we choose Sarum Hall? Its reputation and our observations on the school’s value system and pastoral care, and how they raise the girls in addition to educating them. Also their commitment to music, the arts and extra-curricular activities.”

Sarum Hall School parent

“I think she is being extremely well taught in a very nurturing environment.”


Sarum Hall parent

“My daughter is happy and enjoys her school experience immensely. She often surprises us with the breadth of her knowledge.”

Sarum Hall parent